Arcadis curbside specialist receives TAC grant

Jacob Malleau wins TAC's first $5,000 Grant for Young Innovators, enhancing participation in transportation discussions.
Written by
Lindsay Wright
Published on
March 12, 2024

Jacob Malleau, curbside mobility specialist and CurbIQ product manager for consulting engineering firm Arcadis, is the inaugural recipient of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Grant for Young Innovators in Transportation.

TAC’s new grant of up to $5,000 is intended to empower young professionals to participate actively in the association’s technical meetings and annual conferences., immersing themselves in the latest advancements and discussions shaping the transportation landscape.

Malleau studied mathematics, engineering and applied mechanics at Ontario’s Queen’s University and University of Toronto (U of T) and worked as a mechanical systems designer for MNE Engineering before joining IBI Group as a transportation engineering intern in 2019. He moved to Vancouver in 2020 to oversee the design and development of CurbIQ, the firm’s map-based visualization tool for parking managers and transportation planners. (Arcadis acquired IBI Group in 2022.)

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