Streamline parking studies with CurbIQ, enabling efficient evaluation of current use, policy impacts, and future demand planning in a dynamic interface.
Use CurbIQ to streamline parking studies, allowing for efficient evaluation of existing use, implemented policy, and future demand planning in a visual and dynamic interface.
Parking, both on-street and off-street, plays a critical role in facilitating and encouraging certain modes of travel. Transparent and accurate data regarding the availability, use, and purpose of parking is critical in ensuring the appropriate number of space is provided based on actual and not perceived use.
Analysis by curb use
Parking studies are used to design and shape communities:
City planners: understanding existing supply and utilization helps to refine their guidelines, plan for future demand, and design their parking supply in a way to promote efficient and sustainable access to economic, educational, and recreational opportunity;
Consultants: understanding trends and impacts allows for effective recommendations; and
Developers: understanding number of parking spaces will ensure the viability of development.
Analysis by time of day per use and associated revenue
CurbIQ helps the analyst during each stage of the parking study.
Analytics: Use CurbIQ to visually map the parking inventory, allowing for easy scope, resource, and route planning. CurbIQ analyzes the collected data, displays inventory, occupancy, and turnover data on maps where users can dynamically see how demand changes over the course of the day or week. Custom graphs summarize activity, identify and visualize trends, make comparisons, and quantitatively support or refute claims, redefining time restrictions and parking fees.
Inform Recommendations: CurbIQ’s analytics helps make informed recommendations to guide and evaluate policy decisions.
Examples include:
Identify underutilized spaces and opportunities for partnerships (e.g., temporary overflow parking).
Compare the utilization of curb space in different scenarios to understand the trade offs better.
Test impact of recommendations.
Education: Use CurbIQ’s historical analytics to respond to resident concerns and additional projects.
CurbIQ provides real-time data on EV-charging infrastructure for end users and enables data-driven managing and planning of city-wide EV infrastructure.
Provide an interactive map embedded on event websites so attendees can locate nearby mobility options, find parking, and identify event specific locations
Curbside management for Food Truck e-permitting and scheduling. Dynamic management allows cities to respond to events or real-time high-demand activity.